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학 력

Ph.D., Iowa State University

년도 내용
2014.03 ~ 현재 부경대학교 물리학과 부교수
2010-2014 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Research Associate)
2005-2010 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Postdoc at Dept. Chemistry)
1999-2005 Iowa State University (Ph. D.)
1995-1999 삼성전관 기초 연구소
1991-1993 연세대학교 물리학과 석사
1986-1990 연세대학교 생화학과 학사
Free energy calculation for conformational change of protein
DNA polymerase employing molecular dynamics simulation
Glassy behavior of di/tri block copolymer melt

등록된 내용이 없습니다.


S. Wu, Dynamical self-arrest in symmetric and asymmetric diblock copolymer melts using a replica approach within a local theory, 2009, Phys. Rev. E, 79, 031803.


S. Wu, S. Liu, S. Sim, and L.G. Pedersen, Weak antiferromagnetic coupling via a superexchange interaction between Mn(II)?Mn(II) ions: A QM/MM study of the active site of human cytosolic X-propyl aminopeptidase P, J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 2012, 3 (16), pp 2293?2297. 


S. Wu, W. A. Beard, L. G. Pedersen, and S. Wilson, Structural comparison of DNA polymerase architecture suggests a nucleotide gateway to the polymerase active site, Chem. Rev., 2014, 114 (5), pp 2759?2774.


생물 물리학 연구실 (Computational Biophysics Lab)