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부산대학교 대학원 이학박사

1987. 03 - 현재 Pukyong National University (assistant prof, professor
2005. 08 - 2006. 08 University of Georgia (USA) Visiting Professor
1991. 12 - 1993. 02 Strathclyde University (UK) Post Doc
1987.8 부산대학교 대학원 이학박사


부산대학교 대학원 이학석사


경북대학교 물리학과 이학사

· 결정성장 : LiYF4, KMgF3, LiF, KCl, LiNbO3, Bi4Ge3O12 등

· 희토류이온 또는 전이금속이 첨가된 결정의 레이저분광학적 연구

· Absorption and Excitation Spectroscopy
· Nonlinear Spectroscopy : Two-photon Absorption, Upconversion and Hole Burning Spectroscopy
· High Resolution (Site Selection) Laser Spectroscopy

등록된 내용이 없습니다.

65 P. Babu, Kyoung Hyuk Jang, Eun Sik Kim, Liang Shi, Hyo Jin Seo,Spectral investigations on Dy3+-doped transparent oxyfluoride glasses and nanocrystalline glass ceramics Journal of Applied Physics 105, 013516 (2009)
64 Yanlin Huang, Liang Shi, Eun Sik Kim, and Hyo Jin Seo Site-selective spectroscopy and crystallographic sites of Eu3+ ions doped in Gd2BaZnO5  Journal of Applied Physics 105, 013512 (2009).
63 Yanlin Huang, Ki Wan Jang, Kyoung Hyuk Jang, and Hyo Jin Seo,Laser site-selective excitation and emission spectroscopy of Eu3+-doped Ba3BP3O12,Journal of Alloys and Compounds 465, 474 (2008).
62 Eun Sik Kim, Liang Shi, Kyoung Hyuk Jang, Hyo Jin Seo, Kiyosh Shimamura, and Taiju Tsuboi, Time-resolved luminescence spectroscopy of Er3+ ions doped in a calcium niobium gallium garnet crystal,Journal of the Korean Physical Society 53, 782 (2008).
61 Yanlin Huang, Ye Tao, Liang Shi, and Hyo Jin Seo,Vacuum ultraviolet and ultraviolet spectroscopy of Tb3+, Eu3+ doped Na(Sr, Ba)PO4 phosphate,Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 47, 6364 (2008).
60 Yanlin Huang, Hyo Jin Seo, and Taiju Tsuboi,Spectroscopic properties of Pr3+ ions in a PbWO4 single crystal,Journal of Physical Chemistry A 112, 5839 (2008).
59 P. Babu, A.S. Joshi, C.K. Jayasankar, Kyoung Hyuk Jang,K. Upendra Kumar, and Hyo Jin Seo,Spectroscopic and 1.06 μm laser properties of Nd3+-doped K-Sr-Al phosphate and fluorophosphate glasses,Journal of Alloys and Compounds 458, 509 (2008).
58 Kyoung Hyuk Jang, Jung Hyun Jeong, Soung Soo Yi, Jong Seong Bae, Eun Sik Kim, and Hyo Jin Seo, Luminescence properties of Eu3+ ions doped in Y2-xGdxO3 thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition method,Thin Solid Films 516, 5567 (2008).
57 Elly Setiawati, Taiju Tsuboi, Katsuyasu Kawano, and Hyo Jin Seo,Studies on thermal migration of Eu ion doped into TiO2 nanoparticles,Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 47, 4651 (2008).
56 J.Y. Jeong, R.S. Meltzer, D.A. Keszler, S. P. Feofilov, Y. Zhou, and H.J. Seo,Energy transfer to Gd3+ from the self-trapped exciton in ScPO4 : Gd3+: Dynamics and application to quantum cutting,Physical Review B 77, 075129 (2008).
55 M Jayasimhadri, Yanlin Huang, Hyo Jin Seo, Ho-Sueb Lee, Il-Gon Kim, Ki-Wan Jang, and Eun-Jin Cho, Optical spectroscopy and luminescence properties of Sm3+-doped lead-germanate glasses,Journal of the Korean Physical Society 52, 599 (2008).
54 Yanlin Huang, Kyoung Hyuk Jang, E.S. Kim, L. Shi, and Hyo Jin Seo,Luminescence and scintillation properties of doubly-doped PbWO4 single crystals with Mo6+/PbF2, Mo6+/Gd3+ and PbF2/Y3+,Journal of the Korean Physical Society 52, 449 (2008).
53 Eun Sik Kim, Liang Shi, Kyoung Hyuk Jang, and Hyo Jin Seo,Spectroscopic properties of Er3+ ions doped in a Ca-3(Nb2-x-zGaz)Ga3O12 disordered crystal,Journal of the Korean Physical Society 52, 455 (2008).
52 Jung Hwan Kim, Soung Soo Yi, Jung Hyun Jeong, Hyun Kyoung Yang, Il-Min Kwon, Byong Kee Moon, and Hyo Jin Seo,Spectroscopy of nanocrystalline TiO2 : Eu3+ phosphors,Colloids and Surfaces A-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 313, 82 (2008).
51 Yanlin Huang, Kiwan Jang, Kyoung Hyuk Jang, and Hyo Jin Seo, Luminescence spectra of Eu3+ ions and interstitial oxygen in PbWO4 crystal,Physica B-Condensed Matter 403, 75 (2008).
50 Yanlin Huang, Chanfang Hang, Ying Zhang, Dake Qin, Xigang Wang, Ho Sueb Lee, Eunjin Cho, Wanxue Zha, Kiwan Jang, and Hyo Jin Seo, Irradiation-induced reduction and luminescence properties of Sm2+ doped in BaBPO5,Journal of Solid State Chemistry 180, 3325 (2007).
49 P. Babu, V. Lavin, Ki-Soo Lim, C.K. Jayasankar, R. Balakrishnai, Kyoung Hyuk Jang, and Hyo Jin Seo,Optical spectroscopy, 1.5 μm emission, and upconversion properties of Er3+-doped metaphosphate laser glasses,Journal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics 24, 2218 (2007).
48 P. Babu, C.K. Jayasankar, K. Upendra Kumar, Kyoung Hyuk Jang, and Hyo Jin Seo,1.55 μm emission and upconversion properties of Er3+-doped oxyflurotellurite glasses,Chemical Physics Letters 445, 162 (2007).
47 Yanlin Huang, Wenliang Zhu, and Hyo Jin Seo, The optical and electrical properties in Nd3+ doped lead tungstate single crystals,Journal of Materials Science 42, 5421 (2007).
46 Yanlin Huang and Hyo Jin Seo,Luminescence Properties and Refractive-Index Characterization of Li+-Doped PbWO4 Single Crystals,Journal of the Korean Physical Society 50, 493 (2007).
45 Yanlin Huang, Hyo Jin Seo, Kiwan Jang, and Kyoung Hyuk Jang, Up-conversion fluorescence of Pr3+ ions in PbWO4 single crystal,Journal of Luminescence 122, 47 (2007).
44 R.S. Meltzer, D.A. Keszler, J.Y. Jeong, Y. Zhou, S.P. Feofilov, and Hyo Jin Seo, Host sensitization of Gd3+ ions in yttrium and scandium borates and phosphates: Application to quantum cutting,Physical Review B 74, 643 (2006).
43 Yanlin Huang, K.W. Jang, Kyoung Hyuk Jang, and Hyo Jin Seo, Yellow-to-violet, blue, and green frequency upconversions in Nd3+-doped PbWO4 single crystal,Journal of Applied Physics 100, 570 (2006).
42 S. Park, Yanlin Huang, C.D. Kim, Hyo Jin Seo, I. Kim, and K.W. Jang, Reduction effect on the optical properties of Sm2+ doped in SrB4O7 and SrB6O10 crystals,Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 67, 2316 (2006).
41 P. Babu, C.K. Jayasankar, Hyo Jin Seo, and Kyoung Hyuk Jang, Optical and site-selective spectral studies of Eu3+-doped zinc oxyfluorotellurite glass,Journal of Applied Physics 99, 364 (2006)
40 K.W. Jang, I. Kim, S. Kim, S. Park, and Hyo Jin Seo, X-ray-induced reduction of Sm3+-doped SrB6O10 and its room temperature optical hole burning,Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter 18, 1267 (2006).
39 S.S. Yi, J.H. Kim, J.H. Jeong, Hyo Jin Seo, B.K. Moon, K.S. Shim, and J.S. Bae, Photoluminescence behaviors of Eu-doped GdVO4 thin film phosphors grown by pulsed laser ablation,Journal of Alloys and Compounds 408, 890 (2006).
38 Hyo Jin Seo, Y.I. Lee, I. Kim, K.W. Jang, and S. Park, Optical hole-burning properties of Sm2+-doped strontium borates,Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 75, 1155 (2006).
37 K.S. Hong, H.S. Lee, Hyo Jin Seo, B.K. Moon, B.C. Choi, H.S. Yang, C.S. Kim, D.H. Yoo, N.K. Back, and J.H. Park, Frequency and temperature dependence of electrical properties in pure and Nb-doped Bi4Ti3O12 ceramics,Integrated Ferroelectrics 79, 71 (2006).
36 J.H. Park, B.C. Choi, Hyo Jin Seo, L.K. Moon, H.K. Kim, Y.H. Hwang, K.S. Hong, D.H. Yoo, H.S. Yang, and C.S. Kim, Transient behavior of DC and AC conductance in Li2B4O7 single crystals,Journal of the Korean Physical Society 47, 317 (2005).
35 J.H. Park, B.C. Choi, Hyo Jin Seo, B.K. Moon, J.H. Sung, J.I. Han, M.G. Kwak, D.H. Yoo, C.S. Kim, K.S. Hong, and N.G. Back, Annealing effect on photoluminescence intensity of Eu-doped Y2O3 nanocrystals,Journal of the Korean Physical Society 47, 368 (2005).
34 Yanlin Huang, H.D. Kang, K. Jang, Q. Feng, S.H. Doh, and Hyo Jin Seo, Luminescence and electrical properties in Nd3+-doped lead-tungstate single crystals,Journal of the Korean Physical Society 46, 1198 (2005).
33 Yanlin Huang, Hyo Jin Seo, Wenliang Zhu, and Yu Yang,Room-temperature 1.53 μm emission in Er3+-doped PbWO4 single crystals,Physica Status Solidi A-Applications and Materials Science 202, 462 (2005).
32 J.H. Park, J.P. Kim, S.M. Son, S.T. Chung, K.H. Yeo, Y.C. Choi, Hyo Jin Seo, B.K. Moon, and C.S. Kim, Synthesis and nanodomain patterns of BaTiO3 nanoparticles,Journal of the Korean Physical Society 46, 308 (2005).
31 S.S. Yi, J.H. Kim, J.H. Jeong, Hyo Jin Seo, B.K. Moon, K.S. Shim, and J.S. Bae, Morphology and crystalline-phase-dependent luminescence of Li-doped Gd2O3 : Eu thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition,Applied Physics A-Materials Science & Processing 80, 727 (2005).
30 Yanlin Huang, J. Zhang, Y. Yang, and Hyo Jin Seo, Visible up-conversion luminescence in Er3+-doped PbWO4 single crystals,Materials Chemistry and Physics 91, 424 (2005).
29 Yanlin Huang, Y. Yang, Q. Feng, and Hyo Jin Seo, A study of luminescence properties in the boron-doped lead tungstate,Physics Letters A 336, 490 (2005).
28 H.G. Liu, K.W. Jang, X. Chen, L. Zhang, F. Xiao, X.S. Feng, Y.I. Lee, and Hyo Jin Seo, Studies on photoluminescent properties of Eu(III) ions in composite europium complex/polymer systems,Colloids and Surfaces A-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 257, 301-305 (2005).
27 Yanlin Huang, J. Zhang, Y. Yang, and Hyo Jin Seo,Visible up-conversion luminescence in Er3+-doped PbWO4 single crystals,Materials Chemistry and Physics 91, 424 (2005).
26 Yanlin Huang, S.H. Yuan, Q. Feng, and Hyo Jin Seo, Effects of trivalent rare-earth ions on spectral properties of PbWO4 crystals,Materials Science and Engineering B-Solid State Materials for Advanced Technology 121, 103 (2005).
25 P. Babu, A.S. Joshi, C.K. Jayasankar, R. Balakrishnaiah, Kyoung Hyuk Jang, and Hyo Jin Seo, Optical spectroscopy and energy transfer in Tm3+-doped metaphosphate laser glasses,Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter 17, 4859 (2005).
24 Y.I. Lee, K. Jang, Hyo Jin Seo, Y.H. Chung, W.S. Zhang, F. Xiao, and H.G. Liu, Influences of matrices and concentrations on luminescent characteristics of Eu(TTA)(3)(H2O)(2)/polymer composites,Journal of Luminescence 114, 187 (2005).
23 J.H. Park, J.N. Kim, H.K. Kim, Y.H. Hwang, B.C. Choi, Hyo Jin Seo, B.K. Moon, and C.S. Kim, Low frequency impedance study of Li2B4O7 single crystals,Ferroelectrics 326, 109 (2005).
22 Yanlin Huang, Wenliang Zhu, and Hyo Jin Seo, Scintillation properties of lead tungstate crystals doped with the monovalent ion lithium,Physica Status Solidi A-Applications and Materials Science 201, 85 (2004).
21 S.H. Doh, H.D. Kang, S.H. Yun, and Hyo Jin Seo,Photostimulated luminescence and imaging properties in SrCl2:Eu2+,Na+ imaging plate,Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology 4, 263 (2004).
20 W.S. Zhang, K.W. Jang, S.S. Yi, B.K. Moon, and Hyo Jin Seo,Site-selective fluorescence excitation spectroscopy of a KMgF3:Sm2+ crystal,Journal of Alloys and Compounds 374, 32 (2004).
19 P. Babu, Hyo Jin Seo, V.T. Pham, S.K. Lee, C.K. Jayasankar, and K.S. Lim, Optical spectroscopy of thulium-doped oxyfluoroborate glass,Journal of Alloys and Compounds 385, 12 (2004).
18 Hyo Jin Seo, K. Jang, and T. Tsuboi, Eu3+ luminescence in Eu-doped KMgF3 crystals investigated by site-selective laser-excitation spectroscopy,Physical Review B 70, 108 (2004).
17 J.H. Park, I.W. Kim, B.K. Moon, Hyo Jin Seo, J.H. Jeong, B.C. Choi, and J.S. Bae, Relationship between low frequency dielectric dispersion and ferroelectric phase transition in pulsed-laser-deposited Bi4-xLaxTi3O12 thin film,Applied Physics A-Materials Science & Processing 79, 1879 (2004).
16 S.S. Yi, P.H. Holloway, J.H. Jeong, Hyo Jin Seo, and J.S. Bae, Luminescence behavior of Li-doped Gd2O3 : Eu3+ thin film phosphors grown by pulsed laser ablation,Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 22, 1746 (2004).
15 S.S. Yi, Y.S. Kim, J.H. Jeong, B.C. Choi, Hyo Jin Seo, J.M. Park, J.C. Park, and J.S. Bae, Morphology-dependent luminescence behavior of Y2-xGdxO3 : Eu3+ thin-film phosphors grown by a laser ablation,Applied Physics A-Materials Science & Processing 78, 877 (2004).
14 Y.I. Lee, Hyo Jin Seo, C.D. Kim, X.S. Feng, K.W. Jang, S. Park, and H.G. Liu, Influence of ligands on the photoluminescent properties of Eu3+ in europium beta-diketonate/PMMA-doped systems,Journal of Luminescence 106, 47 (2004).
13 J.H. Park, B.K. Moon, B.C. Choi, C.S. Kim, and Hyo Jin Seo, Impedance spectroscopy of KTiOPO4 single crystal in the temperature range-100 to 100 degrees C,Applied Physics A-Materials Science & Processing 78, 745 (2004).
12 Yonghwa Chung, Hyo Jin Seo, Yong-Ill Lee, Sangsu Kim, Il gon Kim, Ki wan Jang, and Seong tae Park,Optical Properties and Crystal Structure of Eu3+-Doped Y2O3 Crystals Prepared under Di erent Conditions and with Di erent Methods,Journal of the Korean Physical Society 42, 543 (2003).
11 Wan Kim, Sih-Hong Doh, Hyo Jin Seo, Do-Sung Kim, Chan-Jung Kim, and Hee-Dong Kang,Thermoluminescence and Photostimulated Luminescence in SrCl2:Eu2+, Na+ Phosphors,Journal of the Korean Physical Society 42, 05 (2003).
10 J.H. Park, J.N. Kim, H.K. Kim, Y.H. Hwang, B.C. Choi, Hyo Jin Seo, B.K. Moon, and C.S. Kim,ac conductance of surface layer in lithium tetraborate single crystals,Journal of Applied Physics 94, 7246 (2003).
9 Y.I. Lee, Hyo Jin Seo, W.S. Zhang, K. Jang, S. Park, and H.G. Liu, Different photoluminescent properties of binary and ternary europium chelates doped in PMMA,Materials Chemistry and Physics 82, 84 (2003).
8 J.J. Ju, M. Cha, M.H. Lee, and Hyo Jin Seo,Energy transfer in clustered sites of Er3+ ions in LiNbO3 crystals,Journal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics 20, 1990 (2003).
7 Hyo Jin Seo, S.H. Doh, Y.K. Kim, D.S. Kim, H.D. Kang, W. Kim, C.J. Kim, and S.H. Kim,Luminescence and photostimulated luminescence of SrCl2 : Eu2+ doped with Na+ ions,Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 1-Regular Papers Short Notes & Review Papers 42, 4390 (2003).
6 H.L. Park, I.W. Kim, S.S. Yi, J.S. Bae, Hyo Jin Seo, B.K. Moon, and J.H. Jeong, Enhanced green emission in ZnGa2O4 : Mn thin film phosphors by Se doping,Applied Physics Letters 83, 1346 (2003).
5 J.H. Park, Hyo Jin Seo, B.K. Moon, B.C. Choi, and C.S. Kim, Physical properties of CsH2PO4 crystal at high temperatures,Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 72, 1592 (2003).
4 J.H. Park, B.C. Choi, C.S. Kim, and Hyo Jin Seo, Phase transition dielectric anomaly of PLZT ceramic in the temperature range of 30-350 degrees C,Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 72, 191 (2003).
3 J.H. Park, J.S. Kim, I.W. Kim, Hyo Jin Seo, B.K. Moon, J.H. Jeong, B.C. Choi, J.S. Bae, and C.S. Kim,The effect of potential of impedance in the pulsed-laser-deposited SrBi2Ta2O9 thin film,Solid State Communications 126, 635 (2003).
2 J.H. Park, J.S. Kim, I.W. Kim, Hyo Jin Seo, B.K. Moon, J.H. Jeong, B.C. Choi, and C.S. Kim, Electrical properties of pulsed laser-deposited SrxBiyTa2O9 thin films on Bi/Sr ratios,Solid State Communications 127, 315 (2003).
1 B.K. Moon, J.H. Park, B.C. Choi, C.S. Kim, and Hyo Jin Seo, Solvotherinal synthesis of nanocrystalline TiO2 in toluene with surfactant,Journal of Crystal Growth 257, 309 (2003).

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